Below are links to LGBTQ+ Non-Profit performing arts organizations. These groups have endowed funds that JSEF is managing.  They are listed in the order of how long they have had funds with JSEF. Please check out and support these fine organizations by clicking on their logos below:

Palm Springs, CA
San Francisco, CA
Washington, DC
Philadelphia, PA
Portland, OR
Atlanta, GA
Kansas City, MO
Minneapolis, MN
Palm Springs, CA
Washington, DC
Tampa, FL
San Francisco, CA
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Orlando, FL
Dallas, TX
Wilton Manors, FL

To give to any of the funds managed by JSEF mail a check made payable to JSEF with the organization’s name in the memo line.
Jon Sims Endowment Fund for the Performing Arts
PO Box 14172
San Francisco, CA 94114
Contact us for any questions or learn more on having JSEF manage your endowment funds by emailing

Named Endowment Funds
Do you wish to have a named fund with a propose to support the LGBT performing arts. 

Creating an LGBT Legacy of Excellence
Organizations like the Jon Sims Endowment Fund for the Performing Arts (JSEF) typically derive a significant portion of their annual and endowment income from realized bequests and other types of deferred gifts. Donors who choose to remember the (JSEF) in their estate plans provide critical funding to establish asset growth and the ability to provide grants to deserving entities. There are many creative ways to establish a planned gift for the JSEF.

The following have a named fund managed by JSEF.

  • Loren McGlade Fund