JSEF says “Happy Retirement” to Jerry Abrams!
Long-time JSEF Board member Jerry Abrams of San Francisco announced his retirement from the group’s leadership in September 2024. This brings to a close a stellar 26-year career of loyal, selfless service to the Jon Sims Endowment Fund. During this time, Jerry held many positions, including serving for years as JSEF Treasurer, probably the most crucial role in the organization.
Since it is so hard to put a complete tribute to Jerry into words, we’ll share some photos. On November 7, we held a surprise Zoom call with Jerry to present him with a custom glass award acknowledging his retirement. In addition, we gave Jerry a gift certificate to enjoy a lovely dinner at his favorite San Francisco restaurant, Boulevard. A few days later, Jerry and his husband visited Boulevard along the San Francisco waterfront for a fantastic night out with some truly delicious food.
Thank you, Jerry Abrams. You’ve left big shoes to fill, but whatever ventures you pursue in the future, your colleagues at the Jon Sims Endowment Fund are behind you all the way! Nobody believes more in the mission of the Jon Sims Endowment Fund than you.